Tuesday, November 29, 2011

True North

Pastor said, "Life is tough. At best, life is tough."  My life seems to be busy more than anything. There is always something to do, some place to go, something to fix, birthday parties, appointments, school meetings, ministry commitments, football to watch, technology to keep up with, and work work work. I'm not complaining I'm just sayin'...sometimes I just want to take a break and do nothing. Literally nothing, just sit and stare blankly at the wall. Occasionally I wonder if I'll ever crack, and honestly I wonder if my wife will too. Three children can be a mighty big handful at times.

I'm not trudging through a battlefield right now but I've had many fights that I've walked away from heavily wounded. Hopefully the next one I will be ready for. I'm getting wiser and I'm learning how to handle things God's way. Unfortunately, mostly everything I have learned  has come from first hand experience instead of applying someone else's wisdom.  Once every few weeks I meet some sort of resistance like clockwork, but I'm getting better at dealing with the small things too. Again that comes from experience. I try and keep my heart free and clear of offense and I practice "waiting upon the Lord." Not easy to do but it's amazing to see Him move mountains.

Every morning one of the first things I do is read a devotional or two. I read Charles Stanley's In Touch, which is free, and there's also an app for Android and the Iphone, In Touch Ministries. People used to say to me, "You have to read your Word." I never understood that. Why? Well, it’s true. We don't wake up one day and suddenly know all there is to know about God and scripture. Some people talk about God like they've walked around heaven and taken pictures of Him. It can be creepy sometimes, so I'd rather find out for myself. If you ever hear or see me talk about God all crazy it’s because I experienced something true. Perhaps a new facet of His character or something amazing He's done in my life. Not only do I gain knowledge and understanding, but I can sense what He is saying and trying to show me in my life, and how to properly respond. It's actually more of an inner sensing and knowing of what He's up to. 

Without God life makes no sense. In the midst of chaos and distraction I can always find my peace and strength reading the Word. As long as I read the Word I'm moving forward, staying on course, and being refreshed. Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is alive and powerful." John 6:63 says, "The words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life." All of the earth is a living breathing organism, and we serve the Living God. We are spiritual beings, we have spirits, and our spirits are the very "life" within us. The Word strengthens, restores, and supply's our spirits with "life."

Reading and studying the word is essential to spiritual health. Little by little the Word will creep into your mind and start to break up that stuff that shouldn't be there. The light will creep in and begin to expose the darkness, and start to change your attitude. "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."The Word has the power to pull down strongholds, attitudes, and thought patterns that have been ingrained into our minds over time. Strongholds are powerful mental "locks" that allow you to only think and see a certain way. For example, you may only know one way of boiling an egg. That's the way you've been taught, so that's the only way you know how to do it whether it's the right way or not. What if you found out you had been doing it wrong all your life? Essentially, you believed a lie and now you're hearing the truth. Toss that around a bit...

Walking with God is a journey and there is much to learn, He's God and we are not. I want to encourage you to start reading a devotional everyday. It's a great way to get into the Bible, and build off of the seed you heard on Sunday. Find the time to set apart when it’s just you and Him. Tammy and I both have been guilty of getting distracted at times, and those are the times we usually aren't walking in True North. Christmas shopping, facebook, tv, and cell phones can suck us into a vortex of total distraction. I refuse to do that anymore. We're getting back to keeping our journals, and we're taking our devotional time more seriously.  We want the Word established in our hearts because from our hearts we journey through the day and live our life. For us, we have to get up earlier in the mornings. But whatever it takes, it's worth it because it sets the tone for the day and we know the Lord is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

True North is that place where I'm connected to the heart of God by His Word and a clear conscience. I'm burned out playing the game of "Who I want you to think I am." That's exhausting and fruitless. I'm not perfect but I strive for transparency and honesty, and when I'm walking in True North I'm the person God created me to be without putting forth any effort. You never know who is watching you, but I can guarentee you people are watching. As long as I stay connected to Him, (remain in the vine) my life and my sphere of influence imparts life to others, and I personally walk in peace and abundant blessing.

My son, if you accept my word and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Financial Fruit and Thanksgiving

I've just started this blog thanks to a good friend of mine. I do enjoy writing  it's an outlet for me, and I do it in hopes that I may be a blessing to someone as well. I don't write with that intention, I write to get my thoughts out. That being said, in two days Thanksgiving will be here! This year has flown by and it's been a wild ride. My life has changed so dramatically and I have so much to be thankful for.

Since it is the holiday season or shopping season, however you want to view it, I'm going to talk about something we all need… money. Now, I have never been good with money...ever. Somehow I would always run out of it before my bills were paid. Of course the utility companies, the landlord, and the bank didn't appreciate that to much and it was embarrassing. I believe at one point I got so discouraged about my credit history I just stopped caring about paying bills, so I didn't. Thank God all that has changed. My credit is still jacked up because of my destructive past, however it's on the way up, and I'm still able to have all my needs met and then some.

I know what it's like to have nothing and I know what it's like to have everything you want. I've lived on both sides of the fence. My turn around didn't come until I was laying flat on my face between the fences. Most people don't know this but I actually volunteered at a soup kitchen and that's were I got my meals 3 times a week. If I'm lying I'm dying. This was the beginning of my turnaround and it all started by being humble and being thankful for what I did have. I also started cultivating my relationship with God, which used to be only one way. I started tithing at least 10% of my income and I looked for ways to give away more. It is my small way of thanking Him for all of His provision, not just financially.

I'm not going to turn this into a sermon on tithing, I promise. I will say the 90% you have left will go a whole lot further than the 100% you choose to keep. That's just how it works. Since I was used to having nothing, and I mean nothing, I knew what I really needed. The more I tithed and the more I blessed those in need the more money I had in my bank account. I was able to buy a car paying cash this year, a nice one too. I'm not tooting my horn I'm just telling ya’ll the Lord is good. Some will dispute that, but every good and perfect gift comes from above. A few tips....

Tammy and I have about $400 left over a month give or take a little, after paying all our bills. Daycare, Groceries, Gas (2vehicles), Utilities, Rent, Insurance, and of course we tithe every week. Included in the $400 is anything extra we may need for our 3 children. If you didn't know children are very needy. We’ve started budgeting our money, and if you've tried it, try again. Mint.com is a free budgeting tool and in my opinion, the best one out. It can help you get your finances in order. DS Budget is another one. These are free tools and both are easy to use. You need to know where the money is going so you know where you can save. The only way money gets put in our savings account is if we have some left over from our budget. That's incentive to save every penny!

By God's grace and budgeting our money we are able to buy Christmas presents for all of our family members and use no credit card. I can't tell you how good this makes us feel. I've never been able to provide for myself, let a lone anyone else. With buying for ourselves it easy to forget others are in need too. Keep that in mind this season; make it a goal to give some sort of monetary gift to those in need. I used to think if I couldn't give $100, then I shouldn't give at all. What a lie that was. More people need to give what they can, not bill money, just the extra cash you may have. If we all step up and give a little somethin' somethin' it would go farther than the few who give much, and you will be blessed with an opportunity to know God used you to bless and provide for someone else. That to me is the best part.

This is no easy task but if you're like us you are solely responsible for your family. Tithing is more than giving money to a church. It teaches financial responsibility and when done with a thankful heart will pay dividends. It's in THE book, reaping and sowing. When Tammy and I give our tithe it's an act of worship and gratitude for all the Lord has done for us. Sometimes I go to church just so I can tithe! Not in hopes of getting a return, but because it's the only material gift that I can give to God. It's my way of saying THANK YOU LORD, for saving a wretch like me and keeping me and my family this past week. I can't name all the things that God has done for me nor could I give Him enough of anything to show my gratitude.

 Happy Thanksgiving!

"But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.