Monday, December 10, 2012

Stay the Course

More often than not I find myself thinking about the future. When will I find my purpose and what will it be? What does the Lord have planned for me? Is this what I'm going to be doing the rest of my life? I'd like to offer some encouragement today, for all of us who have hopes of seeing the Lord's plans come to full fruition in our lives. In saying that, most of us have discovered that walking with the Lord is a journey and that He is in no hurry to have us take over the world. If you didn't know that, welcome to the club.

God has birthed passions and desires in our hearts, but in order to turn our dreams into reality we have to walk the path set before us and be willing to stay the course no matter what. We can choose to let God work and to establish us as His chosen vessel, or we can resist, losing His best for us. God is not interested in using only what we think is beneficial to Him, He is interested in using us in the way He designed and destined us to be used. It will take time, patience, and perserverance. Below is an illustration of our journey taken from the "Ultimate Conversation", be encouraged.

When I was just a lad, my mother taught me this principle through a wonderful lesson about gardening. I can still remember how we went out to the backyard and she prepared a small, three-foot-square area so we could sow some seeds. Even though I had no idea what we were growing, I was eager to see what would happen. We dug the holes, planted those seeds in the ground, and covered them up again. Then Mother explained that it wouldn't be long before we noticed tiny green sprouts coming up, which would confirm that something was developing below the soil. Not long after that, we would have fruit. So day after day, I would walk out to the backyard and look for evidence of growth. Seeing none, I began to get so frustrated that I decided to find out what was happening with those seeds.

So, I dug them up. I did not realize that it was going to take a while for the plants to mature and produce fruit. And because of my haste to see results, I destroyed those seeds right as they were developing. How much fruit did I grow? None. That experience taught me a lesson about being patient and waiting for God's timing. The Lord has a schedule for how He will answer our prayers and help each of us progress spiritually, conforming us to the image of Christ. However, we should not allow ourselves to become impatient or try to take control because there are destructive consequences to our actions. Our responsibility is simply, to rest in the eager anticipation of His provision for us and to trust: "The Lord will accomplish that which concerns me." (Psalm 138:8)
 -Charles Stanley, The Ultimate Conversation 2012

Jesus never promised that every door would open immediately. On the contrary my brothers, in telling us to "seek" and "knock," Jesus used a Greek verb which is best translated as "knock, and keep on knocking" and "seek, and keep on seeking." Some of the gifts the Lord has for us will only come after long seasons of waiting and praying. God knows what is best for us, and He always has our best interest in mind. When we think we aren't getting what we want, there is a reason behind it. The Lord sees more deeply than we do. We need to trust Him to answer our prayers in His timing and to transform our dreams so they conform to His will. We must realize that while we are patiently expecting the Lord's answer, He is actively engaged on our behalf: arranging circumstances, purifying our motives, teaching us to rely on Him, and preparing us to influence others.

We can't change the past. Whatever has happened in our lives so far, both good and bad, cannot be altered and all the decisions and events that have made us what we are today are inscribed in the story of our life. With the LORD's help we can change the future. You and I aren't here by chance or by accident; God put us here on this journey called life. We came from Him, and our greatest joy will come from giving ourselves back to Him and learning to walk with Him everyday. Through the twists, turns, briars, and lush pastures, we will find our way if we keep our eyes on Him. Lord help us to stay on the potters wheel, through the frustration, pain, sin, and hurt, until we become the vessel you had in mind all along. Stay the course, and may God bless you and your family, and may all your plans succeed in 2013.

For my wife, I love you. (2010)

O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth, who have set Your glory above the heavens! Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants you have ordained strength, because of Your enemies, that You may silence the enemy and the avenger. When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, and You have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet, all sheep and oxen—even the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea that pass through the paths of the seas. O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth! (Psalm 8)

Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He will do it. (Proverbs 16:3)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Financial Peace and Contentment

You know what I think about during the holiday season? Money and gifts. I can't rest or enjoy anything else until I have budgeted for the season three or four times over and I know exactly what everyone is getting. Does that seem absurd? Some people actually start saving for next year's Christmas right after Christmas. What about the rest of the year? I know that money can't buy happiness and all that good stuff, but I still seem to hoard and budget myself to death at times, and it's always for birthdays, Christmas, and a few of the other holidays. I never seem to be content with the amount of money in the bank when I know I have to spend some of it.

Money is great, you should have a savings account and retirement fund, but it shouldn't be a priority. More than likely folks out there believe that as long as they give the 10%, maybe a hair more, that they can spend and do whatever else they want to with their money. God gave it to us right? I've been there! Don't twist up what I'm saying here, I do have a point I'll get to in just a minute. I also believe that we are entitled to spend on some of our desires. The hard part is trying to balance it all. If we're raging in our hearts for more, more, more, that doesn't leave a lot of room to be thankful for what we have. Nor does it give us the peace we need to walk out His will.

"Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth. After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it.  So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content. But people who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction.  For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.

But you, Timothy, are a man of God; so run from all these evil things. Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. Fight the good fight for the true faith. Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others. By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life." 1 Timothy 6

Is he saying not to have anything to do with money? No. The point is that chasing after money is a trap. We are counting on our own talents and resources to establish ourselves for a fruitless cause. My favorite part of the scripture is, "Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth." If we're never content we have no peace. If we have no peace we aren't trusting God to meet our needs. God always has our best interest in mind, so we can trust him with everything. My prayer is that  you and I would reflect on those things we have which are of eternal value this holiday season. What if we all woke up tomorrow and our bank accounts were liquidated? What would we have then? Only the things that can't be shaken. Happy Holidays to all!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Stop the Steamroll

I'm not sure who reads the blog, but I know there are a lot of people who land on this site. People from all over the world. Somebody, somewhere, sometime will stumble upon one of these pages at the right time. That's all that matters. This week I'm writing about something we all deal with whether we understand what is happening or not. Most of us who are somewhat mature in the Lord understand it, almost to the point to where it gets old and we brush it off. No matter how mature you are, you will have to continually fight this battle and continually be on guard. For those of you who are new to the faith, and would like insight into how the enemy operates, and how to beat him, this is for you too.

It doesn't take much for us to feel beat up, worn out, frustrated, and unhappy. After a while we tend to get used to feeling that way, not because we like it, but because we don't know how to fix it. For us Christians we tend to think it's just the way life is, after all we're free and we're new creations. What could be wrong? It can't be the devil, I know how he operates and I'm tired of people mentioning that! The problem is that the devil is cunning, unsuspecting, and will slow walk you right back into those old patterns of thought without you realizing what's happening. Before you know it you're agreeing with some of it, you're confused, and most importantly you're moving away from God. When we're moving away from God our whole life is out of balance. And then, it's steamroll time. Don't be steamrolled. I want to share a few insights into how and why this happens and of course how to say enough is enough and put an end to it.

The name devil is the greek word diabalos and is derived from two greek words dia, which means through, as when referring to penetrating something all the way through and balos which means to throw. When these words are put together to form the word diabalos, it paints a vivid picture of the devil as one who repetitiously throws accusations at the mind, striking again and again until he ultimately penetrates the mind with his slanderous lies and relationship destroying insinuations. Hopefully you've heard the scripture, "neither give place to the devil." Other translations use "foothold" instead of place. The word place is the greek word topos, which describes a specific place, like on a real geographical map. The word topos is where we get the word topography. This is important because it tells us that the devil is seeking a specific place and entry point through which he can enter our minds and emotions and stir up trouble.

The devil is referred to in Ephesians as the "commander of the powers of the unseen world", and in Revelation he is called the "accuser of the bretheren". The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, said Jesus in John 10:10. I'm not going to break bad on scriptures here, I want to emphasize the point that the devil is a destroyer and remains unseen other than the physical and emotional affects the person being tormented manifests. Taking it a step further, this happens to us all. I've gotten so bombarded with thoughts that I've literally been worn out. I give the enemy an entry point somehow, by offense, jealousy, disobedience, etc. I get so caught up in my own stuff, I don't realize what's happening, until I've had enough!

Which brings me to the conclusion. The Bible is called the sword of the Spirit for a reason and it's not because you're supposed to pick it up and swing it around as such. The words contained inside of it are a spiritual force, from THE spiritual source. I learned a while back that for every negative thought there is a scripture that destroys it. When you have had enough of the steamrolling, you need to get mad, stand up, and start quoting scripture. I'm not talking about passive Bible reading. Jeremiah 20:9, "But his word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary from holding it back, and I could not." A fire! When you read the Word in times such as this it needs to be fire and spoken loudly. Quote some of your favorite scriptures and tell the devil he's out of here! That's the transforming, creative, life giving force of the Word. When you mean it and speak it. If you choose to do nothing, you will continue to live in torment. Take the stand. It's God's Word and no lie or accusation stands a chance against it. Below is as example,

The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not want! He goes before me and levels the mountains, He breaks down the gates of bronze and the bars of iron, the mountains melt like wax before the Lord. Shouts of deliverance and praise resound in the tents of the righteous. He is my rock and my redeemer. I will stand still and see the salvation of the Lord and I will never be snatched from His hand. I go in and out always finding pasture. I demolish every argument and pretension that sets itself against the knowledge of God and I take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. My name is written in the Lambs book of life and I can claim every promise. I'm a living stone, a spiritual house, who flourishes in the courts of my God and I will never be put to shame. I dwell in the shelter of the Most High and rest in the shadow of the Almighty. The Lord is my deliverer and I will be delivered. 

Greek word study taken from Rick Renner, Sparkling Gems. For further study on the devil's schemes check out Neil Anderson.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Praying with Purpose

"If God had not spoken to me in such a powerful way, I may have given up, and the course of my life would have been altered completely. But I can say for certain that not once since then have I ever doubted His call." 

Tammy and I are currently reading Charles Stanley's new book called "The Ultimate Conversation." In the book he shares a testimony of answered prayer, which got us talking and thinking about answered prayer in our own lives. I'm not talking about dinky, mickey mouse prayers here..."Please help me, bless me, protect me, etc." I'm referring to prayers that change the course of your life, and those prayed with a passionate purpose, knowing that only God can answer them. I'm going to share the testimony from the book, and also one from my personal treasure chest. Be encouraged.

I recall a particularly difficult season during my senior year at the University of Richmond. Everything seemed to be going wrong, and I was completely miserable. It was exam week, and I had received a fifty on one test and a seventy-five on another. This was terrible, because I was a senior, and it seemed as I'd spent all this time in school just to fail. I was desperate to know God's plan and purpose for my life, but I felt as if He had completely walked out on me. At one point the pressure grew so great and my struggle so intense, I went to see my prayer partners. On my way I said, "Father, I've got to be absolutely sure of what Your will is for me. I've prayed, asked, pleaded, and fasted. I've done everything I know how to do. Please do something, my whole future is based on You. Please clarify this question in my mind and show me exactly what to do."

The Lord brought to mind something my grandfather had told me. He had gone through a similar time in his life when he was confused and seeking God's guidance about whether to preach. My grandfather didn't have an education and could barely read or write. He was feeling inadequate and doubtful about his future. Granddad said he got down on his knees and asked the Father to show him what to do. Then he got specific. He said, "Lord, if You are calling me to preach the gospel, let me see two falling stars." Sure enough, he looked up and saw two bright lights streaming across the sky. 

I thought, if Granddad asked God for something that specific and the Lord answered, then maybe He will do the same for me. After all, my grandfather never doubted that the Father had called him to preach. So I prayed, "God I know I don't have any business asking You this, but if this is Your will for my life, if this is really what You're calling me to do...please let me see two falling stars like my grandfather did." Well, a couple of evenings later, I looked up and saw two brilliant meteors shooting across the night sky at the same time. It was if the Lord said to me, "You asked Me, and I've answered your prayer." I fell on my face and thanked Him with all my heart. 
-Charles Stanley, The Ultimate Conversation (2012)

Now that is answered prayer! Several years ago I was in an awesome place with the Lord. I was set free, filled with the Holy Spirit, and burning with fire and love for Him. (My zeal outweighed my wisdom :) At the time I had no job, not even the prospect of one. I had no hope that I would ever find a job as good as I had. I knew I needed to get one soon, but I was afraid to start praying for it because I was really enjoying God moving in my life, and I thought there was a chance I could be let down. 

Long story short...I had been thinking about praying for a job for at least a month when I went to a church service and heard the pastor talk about prayer and to ask God for something big. That night I went home and was reading my Bible when all the sudden the Lord opened my eyes. (I was thinking about prayer the whole time I was reading) The scripture was in Genesis 24. Read that, if you want to learn how to pray! Abraham sent his servant to go find a wife for Isaac. The servant set out to do so, and during his travels he stopped at a well, then he prayed, “Lord, you are the God of my master Abraham. Give me success today. Be kind to my master Abraham. I’m standing beside this spring. The daughters of the people who live in the town are coming out here to get water. “I will speak to a young woman. I’ll say, ‘Please lower your jar so I can have a drink.’ Suppose she says, ‘Have a drink of water. And I’ll get some for your camels too.’ Then let her be the one you have chosen for your servant Isaac. That’s how I’ll know you have been kind to my master." 

Do you see what he did there? He got specific with the Lord. He told God, "I'll say to her, please lower your jar so I can have a drink..." Then God, if she is the one, let her say, "Have a drink of water, and I'll get some for your camels too." Sure enough, that's exactly what happened! I bet he about fell into the well after hearing that. The testimony was so powerful he told it to several people including the woman's family! God can blow our minds! So, I prayed, "Ok God. You're definitely speaking to me. Now is the time to pray and ask what I have been wanting to ask. Lord, I need a job. I'm praying for a job that is in my field, I pray that it has great benefits, working hours, not a lot of stress, and a place where I can minister to people. I pray that it would be well paying and that it would be exciting. On top of that Lord, let someone ask me about this job!"

The very next day I called up a good friend out of the blue. Not sure why, I just felt the urge to call him. We started talking,  telling each other what God was doing in our lives, and somehow that led to him asking me what I was doing for work. I told him I wasn't working but I was looking. He says, "Hey! Why don't you take my job. I'm moving in a month or so, would you be interested? I'll put in a good word for you, recommend you, etc." Sure, that sounds good. I didn't realize what was happening until I hung the phone up. My friend had told me exactly everything that I had prayed for, verbatim. Who just asks you if you need the best job you have ever had? That is God! The friend did everything he promised, wrote a letter of recommendation, got me an interview and helped me with the whole process. I didn't get the job right away, even though I knew I had it! I got a call saying they had offered it to someone else. A week after that, I was in a prayer/fasting meeting with some men from my church. About 2 hours into it, my cell phone rang..."Can you still take the job?" 

God answers prayers! If we aren't specific in our prayers then how does He get the glory? How can we know for sure that we are doing the right thing? How do we know it's Him? We get specific!

"He who comes to God must believe that He is,
 and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
-Hebrews 11:6

Friday, August 31, 2012

God Always Comes Through

I stumbled upon a gem of a scripture this week. It's as straightforward as they come, nothing flashy but one that can be that can applied all the time. Before I share the scripture, allow me to set it up with a quote I read from Charles Stanley this morning. "Jesus never let circumstances control His emotions or dictate His actions. He chose to trust that God was able to carry out His Word." 

Every time I read that quote it stops me in my tracks. Wow, God always carries out His Word. Not just in the Bible from a historical and prophetic account, but in verses that He's given us personally. I can look back in the recent past and see how His Word has shaped my life and the very scriptures that were illuminated to me came to pass. The only thing that "is what is..."is God's Word. I write this week to encourage those who are going through change. I write this week to tell you...God Always Comes Through.

If there's one thing that's certain in life, it's change. Change is gonna come. It can be pleasant, hurtful, dreadful, painful, and uncomfortable. Wow. One good word, the others, not so much. Those negative words can turn into welcoming words, with the right attitude. Change isn't fun, it's challenging, but it leads us to our destiny. The scripture is Psalm 69:32, "The humble will see their God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God's help be encouraged." 

I know a guy right now getting ready to go through a divorce. He and his wife just recently bought a house together too. How can you tell someone going through that it's going to be alright? "Let all who seek God's help be encouraged." Reading through the Psalms you'll discover that David struggled in life and also in His relationship with God. On many occasions he asked God to forgive him of his sins, and for God to create in him a clean heart. Being broken and beat down though didn't stop him from putting his trust in the Lord. He knew God would heal him and God was the only one that could. Ever been there? Not a fun place to be, but God restores those who seek Him. "The humble will see their God at work and be glad."

Personally, I'm embarking on a new journey. I'll be switching careers early next year, leaving behind comfort and security that I've known for years. I'll be taking a pay cut which is outlandish I know, but I'm putting my trust in God who has led me thus far and has opened a door of opportunity for me and my family. My wife and I are step parents, and we face challenges every day with our children and other family members. We want what is best for them and we do our best to raise them properly. Dealing with change is tough, and life is tough. But putting our hope in God will always bring about praise! "From where the sun rises to where it sets, You inspire shouts of joy!" Penned by David after being up to his neck in flood waters. 

For you, for me, and for all who put their hope in God, choose to trust that God will always carry out His Word. "Let all who seek God's help be encouraged." If you've never sought His help before, make today the day. Be encouraged. He Always Comes Through. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

What can I do?

It's  been a minute since I've blogged,  I've been involved in project after project at work, trying to put together ideas and content for a new website, and just returning from a much needed vacation. That being said, I needed a break from the blogging world. If you're not careful you can become a slave to it. This week I'm taking something I learned from the corporate world. It's a strategy that's easy to apply and one that will brighten your future and propel you forward through the daily grind, no matter what industry you're in or what your job title is. It's all about personal accountability.

If you're honest, you'll have to admit that you go through trials throughout your day, much of which involve co-workers and family that can frustrate you. If not there, how about the workplace in general? How about folks in church? Or do you you always have a happy go lucky attitude all the time towards everyone? The trials I'm speaking of are those that give us the opportunity to blame others, complain, and procrastinate. Luckily this blog doesn't apply to me because I'm perfect all the time and I have never once complained. Enjoy!

"When will that department do it's job right? When will they communicate better? Who dropped the ball? Why can't we find better people? Who's going to give us a clear vision? Who's going to solve the problem? Doesn't anyone know what's going on? Why don't others work harder?" These questions are innocent enough, but they indicate a lack of personal accountability, and go right to the heart of many problems we have today. They sound like, "I'm a victim of my own environment and I'm powerless." Conversely, turning our thinking around and asking more personally accountable questions is one of the most powerful and effective things we can do to improve our organizations and our lives. It's simple, ask better questions of ourselves, create personal accountability.

Each day, as we journey into the unexplored wilds of our personal and professional lives, there are virtual "goatheads" lurking at every turn. Choose the wrong thought and we're off into blame, complaining, and procrastination. But the right thoughts lead us to a richer, more fulfilling life and the feelings of pride and accomplishment that come from making productive decisions. The idea that we are accountable for our own choices and are free to make better ones is fundamental to QBQ, "The question behind the question." Sometimes people think they have no choice. They'll say things like "I have to", or "I can't." But we always have a choice. Deciding not to choose is making a choice. Realizing this and taking responsibility for our choices is a big step toward making great things happen in our lives.

The QBQ is built on the observation that our first reactions are often negative, bringing to mind incorrect questions. But if in each moment of decision we can instead discipline ourselves to look behind those initial incorrect questions and ask ourselves better ones, the questions themselves will lead to better results. The answers are in the questions. If we ask ourselves better questions, we get better answers. Here are the three simple guidelines for creating a QBQ: 1. Begin with "What" or "How" (not "Why," "When," or "Who"). 2. Contain an "I" (not "they," "we," or "you"). 3. Focus on action. "What can I do?" for example. It begins with "What", contains an "I" and focuses on action.

If we don't ask what we can do or make or achieve or build, then we won't do or make or achieve or build. It's just that simple. Only through action is anything accomplished. The practice of personal accountability: We discipline our thoughts. We ask better questions. We take action. None of us has guaranteed job security, and our lack of initiative today may guarantee our unemployment tomorrow. Taking action may seem risky, but doing nothing is a bigger risk. "Its better to be one who is told to wait than one who waits to be told." So ask yourself, "What can I do today to solve the problem? How can I help move the project ahead? What action can I take to "own" the situation?" We've all heard the phrase, "True creativity is to think outside the box." Real creativity is "Succeeding inside the box." Start asking better questions of yourself, take ownership of a given situation, and watch things change for the better. (John G Miller, "QBQ")

"I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps. He has put a new song in my mouth--Praise to our God; many will see it and fear, and will trust in the Lord." -Psalm 40:1-3

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Presence

"God is so vastly wonderful, so utterly and completely delightful that He can, without anything other than Himself, meet and overflow the deepest demands of our total nature, mysterious and deep as that nature is." -AW Tozer

Who can flee from His Presence when the heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him? As the the wisdom of Solomon testifies, "the Spirit of the Lord fills the world?" The omnipresence of the Lord is one thing, and is a solemn fact that is necessary to His perfection; the manifest Presence is another thing altogether. It is from that presence which we have fled. So the life of man upon the earth is a life away from the Presence, which is our right and proper dwelling place, our first estate which we have not kept, the loss of which is the cause of our unceasing restlessness. God made us for Himself: that is the only explanation that satisfies the heart of a thinking man, whatever his wild reason may say.

Who is this God? He is eternal, which means He antedates time and is wholly independent of it. Time began in Him and will end in Him. "In the beginning God." He is immutable, which means He has never changed and can never change in any measure. To change He would need to go from better to worse or from worse to better, He cannot do either. He is omniscient, which means He knows in one free and effortless act all matter, all spirit, all relationships, and all events! He has no past, He has no future. There is no place, there can be no place where He is not. Always, everywhere God is present. Finally, He's sovereign, in total absolute control of all things at all times.

God wills that we should push on into His presence and live our whole life there. This is to be known to us in conscious experience. It is more than a doctrine to be held, it is a life to be enjoyed every moment of everyday. The flame of His Presence was the beating heart of the Levitical order. The greatest fact about the tabernacle was that Jehovah was there; a Presence waiting inside the veil. Who is within the veil who dwells in fiery manifestations? It is none other than God Himself, "One God the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and earth, and all things visible and invisible." The world is perishing for a lack of knowledge of God and the Church is famishing for want of His Presence. The instant cure of most our religious ills would be to enter the Presence in spiritual experience, to become suddenly aware that we are in God and God is in us.

AW Tozer (The Pursuit of God)

Spinoza wrote of the intellectual love of God, and he had a measure of truth there; but the highest love of God is not intellectual, it is spiritual. God is spirit and only the spirit of man can know Him really. I chose to post this because I was reminded of just how precious and holy the Presence of God is.  It is indeed something to be experienced, and only the deepest parts of  eternity in the heart knows the Presence of it's God. In His Presence there is no need and every burden is lifted. The world has a way of stealing your joy, beating you down, taking your time and wearing you out. At times our identity becomes worthless in the sea of pride, ego, and materialism. The day to day grind can be thankless, painful, and without reward...but there is a place, and there is a joy that cannot be taken from you. The world didn't give it, and the world can't take it. The reward is the Presence of God Himself. That is fullness! 

"Those who come to God must first believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

31 Years...The cyclone of my life.

Today, I turned 31. I honestly find it hard to believe I made it. My family has been plagued by darkness and confusion throughout my time here walking this earth. Generational curse doesn't do justice for what I've seen, heard, and experienced. I never thought I would make it to 21. Sometimes I ponder the sins of my forefathers, since the punishment is passed down to the third and fourth generation :) There's only one reason I'm here today, and that's because of my Father, who chose me from the foundation of the world, to fulfill His purpose and destiny, to be a living stone and a part of His house. To God be the glory.

My real dad committed suicide when I was 7 years old. I don't have to many memories of him, other than him telling us, (I have a brother and a sister) that he loved us all the time. I believe he did. He was 27 years old when he passed, still a young man by today's standards. My father was a single parent, a hard worker, and an alcoholic. Drugs and alcohol were rampid in most of the family, not all but most. My grandfather ended up raising me and my siblings for many years afterwards. (My dad and the grandad I'm speaking of are on two different sides of the family). He instilled my manners in me, mentored me, and genuinely loved me. He was also a godly man, but I'll refrain from saying what denonimantion.

When I turned 18 things started getting ugly within his household and between my mom and her husband. (My mom was his rebel daughter, wild and all over the place). Demons haunted my grandad and eventually talked him into taking the life of my grandmother, my uncle, and then turning the gun on himself. This devistated the family and the community. My grandad was highly respected in the community and in the church. I'll never forget the way he looked a few days before he did it...Demonic is all I can say. He was tormented big time. Most of all, I'll never forget that after my dad passed, he sat us children down and said, "Don't you ever do what your father did." Years later I heard my aunt screaming, "Don't you ever do what your grandafather did." 

I remember the day I lost my confidence and when the mental attacks started on my mind. I was a standout pitcher. I remember the coach calling for all pitchers during team tryouts, and I heard a voice say, "You can't pitch anymore. Look at these other guys. They are much better than you. You might as well give up now." Funny things is, I was better than all of them the year before. I believed my first lie and it went down hill from there. Anyway, I was about 15 when I turned my mind over and I carried that stuff with me for 24 more years. The accusations, thoughts of unworthiness, guilt, torment, etc. I couldn't get away from my past. The only way to make it stop was to numb the pain with drugs and alcohol.

I've seen my best friend die in a car crash. I was the passenger and walked away without a scratch. I've lost 2 other close friends to drugs. I've seen it tear apart my family. I know what it's like being a heroin addict. I know what it's like to be suicidal for weeks at a time, believeing it's the best way to go. It's hard to live under constant thoughts of suicide, and having no hope, zilch! You talk about miserable. I know what it's like to lose everything you have and everything you own a couple of times. I know what it's like to watch others succeed and move forward in life while your drowning in your own misery and darkness. Most importantly, I know what it's like to hit rock bottom. And I know who's there for you when it happens... But God! He's the way, the truth, and the life. Rock bottom is exactly the place God needs you to be when His other attempts to get your attention have failed, and it's unfortunately where I had to be. Nobody else will be there for you but Him.

I was living in a chaotic, dark, and nasty cyclone my whole life. I never knew left from right, the truth from a lie, or what true love and peace was. It wasn't until I was set free that I realized how much darkness and mental torment I was in. He had a call on my life throughout it all, but I was never obedient to it. God's mighty hand set me free from everything when I finally turned to Him with my whole heart. He transferred me out of the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of His dear Son. This is what I know now...that God called my name before the foundation of the world. My name is written in the Lamb's book of life. God has a purpose and a plan for me and He intends to see it pass! I have broken the curse, and me and my house WILL serve the Lord! I remind the enemy of that occasionally. Greater is He who is in me... Never forget what is on the inside of you, it's priceless. Never forget that the Father Himself drew you to Jesus.We are a spiritual house, with Christ as the cornerstone. The house is Zion! So, I thank the Lord today. For His yoke destroying power, the blood of Jesus which made peace with my God, and His grace and lovingkindness! To God be the glory and here's to 31 more! 

"The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me."
-Psalm 138:8

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Social Media and Its Curse

Sherry Turkle, Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, tells us there's a "shift" from an analog world in which our identities are generated from within, to a digital world in which our sense of self is intimately tied to our social media presence.

But this shift to a Facebook world of incessant "friending," Professor Turkle correctly warns us, is a "seductive fantasy" which is weakening us both as individuals and as a society. The problem, she explains, is that a "capacity for solitude is what nurtures great relationships." But in today's always-on social media world, our solitude has been replaced by incessant online updates, which both weaken our sense of self and our ability to create genuine friendships.

I call this shift from the private to the public self "digital narcissism." Behind the communitarian veil of social media, we have fallen in love with ourselves. But this is a super sad love story. Because the more we self-broadcast, the emptier we become; and the emptier we become, the more we need to self-broadcast.

I have long suspected social media is slowly destroying us. I know that's nothing new to most of us, but I'm takling about US too. Me and You. I enjoy making people laugh, but I mostly enjoy sharing my spiritual journey with others. In fact that's really the only thing I care about. In saying that, I don't get to many "likes" or "comments" or "shares." I don't feel the love so to speak. Either people don't want to hear it, or other people get jealous/offeneded by the things I post. Yes, in Christian circles too! You know, "Who does he think he is?" "Is that the best he can do?" "Nobody wants to hear that." Oh, don't get all self righteous. You've done it to others too. Puposely, shunning other folks' posts? Yep. When people don't like or comment on the things we share, we get offended. That's it in a nutshell.

Crazy huh? How about posting way to much? There's no privacy left in our lives if we do that. Have you ever heard it said, "Ladies like the jerks?" Why? It's because they don't share much information or attention. People are intrigued about the inner workings and personal affairs of those they know nothing about. Strange I know, but true. Have you ever looked up to someone, and then found out their secrets? It's shocking and no matter how hard we try we just can't look at them the same. Staus update overload is similar. The more updates I see, the more desparate the person appears. They tend to lose their original appeal and the reason I wanted to get to know them in the first place.  Make sense? Unless you're really cool and everything you post is superawesome. I haven't found anyone like that yet...

I deleted my facebook account a few months ago. Honestly, I was tired of seeing the same old doom and gloom posts. Not only that, I closed the door on anything that could ever try to come between my wife and I. My wife does trust me, but having other women as friends is still a bit uncomfortable. Other than God, nothing is more important or sacred to me than my marriage. The occasional likes I did get and the periodical family nudge just wasn't enough for me to keep my account open. There are others ways of getting in contact with me. I have been much more productive, and I don't know everyone's gossip. Im free and clear of OPJ. Was it tough to kick? Yep. I was amazed at how much of a pull social media had on me.

This isn't a bash on facebook or social media. It's meant to be thought provoking. Social media has become a nuclear "marketing" explosion. It's actually pretty scary. Our need for digital confidence and approval is being exploited at an alarming rate by companies who could care less about you as an individual. What happened to just sharing something because WE wanted to? Now, we share things based on what other people will think of the post first! How much money can we make if people click here? I promised myself I wouldn't post blogs just to post blogs. I was going to have something worth while to say when I did. Take a look at the article for yourself, I've posted it below.

Friday, May 18, 2012

What Next?

"When a kingdom man orders his life to function personally under the lordship of Jesus Christ in his thoughts, will, actions, and prayers, that man's influence goes beyond himself and even beyond his own family. No greater challenge exists today than impacting our communities and our country for good. That involves leaving a lasting legacy."

There are very few problems in our culture today that you cannot trace directly back to the breakdown of the family. If the family functions according to the principles of the kingdom, then it follows that both the church and society function reflectively. Being a kingdom husband is a responsibility. You are to be your wife's savior, pastor, and lover. As a savior, you are someone she can cling to. Anytime, in a safe environment where she doesn't feel uncomfortable. Secondly, you are to sanctify your wife. Sanctification is the process of taking someone from where they are into what they ought to be. It is through sanctification you are able to demonstrate to your wife what it means to be covered by a kingdom man. Not a perfect man, but a kingdom man who has her best interests at heart and who loves her even to the point of sacrificing his own needs and wants to provide that love. You don't have to be a scholar as the spiritual head of your home to satisfy your wife, but you need to be intentional about leading her in spiritual growth as her pastor. So many men neglect the greatest gift they have been given in life, their wife, and they do it to their own detriment. Study her. Get to know her. Find out what motivates and inspires her. She is built to be cherished.

The way God designed a family to be led, particularly by a father, is around the table. A Jewish father raised his family around the table. The table wasn't just a place for eating. It was a place for a man to spend substantive time every day teaching, listening, knowing, and leading his family. It is there he poured value and significance into the lives of his children and wife. To many of our tables sit empty today. Men's schedules are full, women's schedules are full, and the children's schedules are full. In failing to prioritize the consistency of the family table, or daily family time wherever you choose to spend it, we have failed to lead our families well. Nothing can fill the hole made from the absence of a husband or father. The time you spend together doesn't have to be fancy, just make it a priority to be with your family. Family must come first after God. It is how He designed our lives to function. The time you spend with your family should never be second thought. Put first things first.

One of the things that we, as men, have often missed in the church in multiple ways is both experiencing and displaying God's power and blessings collectively. The church is intended to be a group of people who have been called to bring the governance of God into the relevant application and practice of humankind. One of your primary responsibilities men, is to locate a church body that you can be a part of that offers discipleship opportunities, sound teaching, and ways to serve and mentor. Church is to be the place to grow boys into men through spiritual parenting. The biblical church exists to advance God's kingdom, not just defend it. No one pays for a ticket and parking to go to a football game just to watch the huddle. The purpose of the huddle is to plan how to score. Then you have to show what you can do as a team when eleven men on the other side of the ball are daring you to go public with your private conversation. Church is the huddle men. What we do after the huddle, in our community and in our nation, reveals the true strength of our team. A community ought to be a better place than it was before, if the men in it are acting as kingdom men.

The solution to reversing the curse that plagues our society is simple: Kingdom men, man up. Only when men take their rightful place within our culture as the husbands, fathers, and citizens that they were created to be then will the atmosphere change. Men, God is watching. Some of the greatness comes in history. Most comes in eternity. Yet if you want to be great and if you want to be blessed, then take every opportunity to demonstrate that you fear God. Both with internal opportunities and external opportunities, holding Him in highest honor and esteem in every aspect of your lives. One place fearing God will take you... is experiencing the abundant life that Christ promised you. Your destiny will be full. We need kingdom men who will change the world. Before our world changes us. This is not the time for secret agent Christians, spiritual CIA representatives, or covert operatives. It is time now for kingdom men to man up. Everyone else is going public. It's time for us as kingdom men to break our huddle and go public too.

(Tony Evans-Kingdom Man)

"How blessed is everyone who fears the Lord,
Who walks in His ways.
When you shall eat of the fruit of your hands,
You will be happy and it will be well with you.
Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine within your house,
Your children like olive plants around your table.
Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed
Who fears the Lord.
The Lord bless you from Zion,
And many you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life.
Indeed, may you see your children's children.
Peace be upon Israel!" - Psalm 128

That does it for the Kingdom Man series. Buy the book! Start a group at your church! I only took small snippets spanning over several chapters at a time. There's so much more to learn, and his personal testimonies are powerful. Let's answer the call. Man up. One of my favorite scriptures is in Acts 17, and it says, "He determined the times set before them and the exact places they should live." That applies to us. Now. For such a time as this. Let's mentor, reach out, meet a need, one person at a time. God bless.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pursuing Destiny

"Living a successful life as a child of the King is not rocket science, men. Far too often, it seems that men view the Christian life as a passive life they must live rather than a gateway to the opportunity to conquer life's challenges. Everything that God has destined for us, He has already given you, it only needs to be activated by faith. That means stepping out and walking. God's activity in your life is always tied to your footsteps." -Tony Evans

So many men are living purposelessly when their destiny is rich with meaning and power. I wish I could shout from the highest mountaintop, "Get up men. Stop whining. Stop blaming. Stop fearing. Get up, and get what God has destined for you." The kingdom of God needs each man to get up so we can advance the kingdom together. If you want to rule your world, you have to go get the world you have been destined to rule, but you have to do it God's way. That means abiding in an intimate relationship with God through His Word so that the Holy Spirit can give and confirm God's leading and direction in your life.

Each man has a territory to claim, and each territory is different. Whatever territory He has called you to claim, He has already provided all that you need to do so. Many men fail to advance the vision because they are to busy trying to figure out how it's going to happen. God always provides for that which He purposes. When God has told you His plan, all you need to do is focus on whatever steps He is asking you to take now. Let go of the past and step out. Your priority should be to discover exactly what God's purpose is for you. Discovering your destiny is an integral part in turning it into a reality.

Many of us have been stopped from pursuing the fullness of God's purpose in our lives because of people. Maybe the people had more money and influence than you. Maybe you shrunk back because they made your life miserable or intimidated you. Keep in mind as you face the giants in your life, that people on their best day, are still just people. And God is still God. Yet we often treat people like God, and God like people, so we wind up not seeing God being God. One of the greatest experiences you can have is watching God override people. Especially those you thought couldn't be overridden. We don't disrespect or dishonor people, we simply aren't intimidated by them. There is only one God and they are not Him.

God's prescription for success is simple. Stay tied to His presence and His Word. We are to stay within the boundaries of His instruction. This is because His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. The only guarantee of success is when we seek God, and do things His way. The more God is in the ruler role in your life, the more you will see Him opening doors. You will know its God because He will do things you didn't know He would do, or in a way you never expected. While His precepts and principles are predictable, His ways are not. Men, let go of the past, seize your spiritual inheritance, focus on God rather than people, and tether your decision to His Word. It is then that you will claim victory that includes living out the fullness of your destiny.

-Tony Evans (Kingdom Man)

Our whole perspective can change if we know we are in our destiny, His will. For most of us, we're on our way. The small doors and opportunities He has given us now are part of it. We have to be responsible with what He's already given us; responsibility is tied to blessing. Everyday is a new opportunity and challenge for us to conquer! One more thing and he mentioned it above. We have to let go of the past, even if it's something as simple as an agrument we had yesterday. If the past is more than that; failed relationships, past failures, addictions, whatever it may be, you still have to let it go. God is not holding  it against you, and in fact we are encouraged by Paul to let it go, "But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead..."

I've seen God move in the way Tony mentioned above, and there's nothing quite like it. I know I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be right now. I strive to do my best in everything I do, keeping in mind that each day is an opportunity to propel me into my destiny, helps me stay focused. What is your destiny? Chances are God has already put the passion and desire in you. In conclusion, "3 fingers", that's all I know...

"No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you." -Joshua 1:5

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Destined for Greatness

“Whatever the odds, never let the odds determine your destiny. God has destined you for greatness.” –Tony Evans (Kingdom Man)

Whether we feel comfortable enough to admit it in spiritual circles, men want to be great. I’ll admit it; I don’t mind...I want to be great. If you were brutally honest, I would bet that you also want to be great. But what may surprise you, and what I would like to suggest, is that far from what we often here in the biblical teaching on servant hood and humility is that God wants you to be great as well. Greatness is maximizing your potential for the glory of God and the good of others. Not only does God want you to be great in His Kingdom, He has destined you for it.

Men, God is not opposed to greatness. God is opposed to pride. Big difference, and unfortunately it is a difference not understood or embraced. Earlier in Genesis 12:2, God said directly to Abraham, “I will bless you and make your name great.” In 2 Samuel 7:9, God echoes these thoughts to David when He says, “I have been with you wherever you have gone and have cut off all your enemies from before you; and I will make you a great name, like the names of the great men who are on the earth.” Keep in mind that was God talking. He was going to see to it that their names be etched in stone. God would make sure these men would not have just come here, been here, and left here. God would make sure these men would forever be known as great. Anytime God makes a name great that means He is recognizing greatness.

Jesus said in John 14:12, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these will he do.” That is not a verse preached on frequently. I’m not sure why, it’s a pretty straightforward truth. Jesus never traveled more than a few hundred miles from the place of His birth during His ministry. Yet the gospel has been spread around the world by men who have gone on to do the greater works. (Works, meaning being used by God) If in trying to be spiritual, you have shrunk away from your innate desire for significance, I want you to know, in doing so you have walked right into the enemy’s trap. The enemy doesn’t want you to realize that true greatness involves analyzing your gifts, talents, and skills in relation to God’s name and glory, and then maximizing them in an effort to expand your impact on others. God’s agenda is to advance His kingdom down the field of life, and to do so, He is looking for men who will rise to the occasion in their bid for greatness. You were made for greatness. It is okay to want it.

Meekness is not walking around with a sunken chest, head down, and doing everything you’re asked to do by those in your sphere. That’s not meekness, rather, it’s the world’s attempt to cage and emasculate a male. It is the enemy’s strategy to castrate men’s drive and sideline the starters on God’s Kingdom team. By painting complacency as a virtue and mediocrity as a goal, Satan has lulled the hearts of men asleep. Meekness is not weakness, it simply means submitting your power to a higher control, and it means submitting yourself to God’s kingdom rule.

Finally, known or unknown, you need to be great. Greatness for a kingdom man begins by aligning yourself with God’s kingdom agenda for the benefit of others. Whatever the odds, never let the odds determine your destiny. God has destined you for greatness.

Thanks for checking in again this week men. I’ve continued the Kingdom Man by Tony Evans. I’m only taking snippets because I encourage you to buy the book. I don’t take credit for any of it; I’m hoping it stirs up something in all who read it as it has me. I know He’s trying to get my attention. I don’t want to let Him down, not in this hour or any hour for that matter. Can you imagine what the body of Christ and our families would be like if all the men stood up, submitted to God, and directed their energy and attention to serving and fulfilling His Kingdom agenda? Let’s do it! It’s not about being cool or what others think. It’s not about words, but power! We can serve the living God with boldness, joy, and reward! Nothing is more honorable than being under His Lordship, and reigning and ruling your domain under His power and authority. He’s the reason for our boldness! 

We are destined for greatness. Most of us may not feel that way. We want to be great now, yet we seem so far from it by the world’s standards. I’m starting to believe the truth that I’m being prepared. People can mention that to us, but it’s hard to accept. The more I read of the great men of God, who were not so great at one time, I get encouraged. Perry Stone says, He wrote an article for years that he didn’t think anyone read, and just wanted to quit. All that research and time and effort prepared him for his destiny. He also said he used to preach to a pile of rocks and some trees for years. It takes hard work to be great! Day in and day out, everyday. Pilot Sully, remember him? The captain who landed the plane in the Hudson? From what I’ve read, what he did was a miracle. The exact speed, the placement of the wings, and the plunge had to be perfect, or else the plane would have shattered. This man had been an Air Force pilot, an accident investigator, and airline safety consultant, and had 19,000 hours logged of uneventful flight time. This prepared him with the necessary skills and mind-set to rule the realm of his plane well, rather than his plane ruling him. It was the years of hard work, day in, day out, and the striving for greatness in all he did, that finally made him great in the moment he needed to be.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Kingdom Man: I've Got This

When you step outside your door each day, do heaven, earth, and hell take notice? When you protect the woman under your care, can she do little to resist you? Do your children look to you with confidence? Do other men look to you as someone to emulate? Does your church call on you for strength and leadership? Are you a preserver of culture and a champion of society, one who keeps out evil and ushers in good? More than that, when God searches for a man to advance His kingdom, does He call your name? –Tony Evans (Kingdom Man)

In the Evans home, we have a sign. I can’t remember exactly when I started doing it, but when a problem comes up or a legitimate issue gives rise to worry or concern, I will sometimes raise three fingers. That’s all. When I raise three fingers, and without having to say a word, I can immediately see the tension leave my wife’s face or whomever it is I am talking to. It goes away because those three fingers remind them of three words: I’ve got this.

When I say I’ve got it that means whoever I’m saying it to doesn’t have to carry it, worry about it, or try to figure it out. I’ll take responsibility for it. And if it is something I cannot solve, I will provide the comfort, stability, and empathy that are necessary to get through it. It doesn’t mean that I literally and tangibly do everything. It means that I see to it that everything is done.  As a man, when you have demonstrated to a woman, children, or people within your sphere that you are dependable, responsible, or simply carry the burden, you have freed them to rest. As a kingdom man, those around you need to know you’ve got it.

It is no different than when God does for us when He tells us not to worry. Essentially, God says, I’ve got this. God’s covering over us as His sons is a model of how we as men are to cover those under us. To cover someone or to be someone’s covering simply means that you provide the protection and provision they need, as well as an environment for nurturing, and fostering spiritual and physical health. Men, when God’s got it and you are leading and living according to His principles and under His governance, your faith in Him comes through in how you relate to those around you. Essentially, you’ve got it because you are putting your trust in and functioning according to the truth that God’s got it.

We can’t expect to understand or live out God’s definition of manhood without applying all of the content of His Word. The King has given you a rulebook by which you are to govern, you are to rule, lead, make decisions, direct, guide, and align your life choices. When you lead according to what He says in His Word, He will back you with the authority you need to carry it out. When you lead according to His principles and His Kingdom agenda, you free others around you to be what they were created to be as well. Yet when you don’t, you invite a world of chaos, disorder, and destruction not only in your life, but also the lives of those within your sphere of influence.

Gentleman I hope you enjoyed this. I encourage you to purchase the book. This is would be a great small group study, and possibly one we could open up on G+.  I’m hoping to expand the reach of this blog which has taken the direction of building up men in the body of Christ. I believe the Lord is speaking to Men right now. This book came out in April, and if you look back at some of my previous blogs in March you will discover the Holy Spirit is trying to get our attention. Over the next month or so I’m going to post snippets of the book and add some commentary. I believe in letting the Word flow through me whether it’s original or someone else’s work. If it has the power to change the world or someone life, I’m going to share it.

Life is really, really, tough most of the time. It’s easy to praise God and speak the Word when everything is going along smoothly. The call of being a Kingdom Man though, is being one all the time. When we don’t feel like it. When we’re absolutely whooped, exhausted, worried about finances after a long day and someone asks for assistance or needs some stability and encouragement, while we ourselves are seeking a Word and direction from the Lord. When we just don’t know how things will work out or turn out, we have to provide the assurance and comfort that all will be well while being pressed on every side. As a man in this position myself, I do know that God always delivers. In fact the Bible says He watches and sees to it that His Word is performed. It never returns void and accomplishes all He set it out to do. Sometimes the promises aren’t enough we just have to know He’s faithful  and remind ourselves of His past faithfulness. One of His names is FAITHFUL.  Faithful and True.  We must stick to our guns figuratively, by sticking to His Word and strengthening ourselves anew in Him every morning. It won’t be long before the Word comes alive before our eyes and the mountains have been leveled. Oh praise God! Three fingers, “I’ve got this”, because He’s got it!

“Watch out that you do not lose what we have worked so hard to achieve. Be diligent so that you receive your full reward.” 2John 1:8 (In other words, keep the faith, you will receive your full reward.)

Shout out to Jeremy Miller @WCOG, congratulations on Baby Lucy!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Men of Fire and Courage-StandUp!

I'm honored to have Will Rice guest blog this week. We go back a few years and he's honestly been one of my only "true friends." He's been there when I was at my worst and he also saw me through on the way up.  This piece was orginally supopsed to be included in the Men of Fire and Courage series, but we had a little miscommunication. I'll blame Will and he'll blame me. If you're unfamiliar with the blog series, I would ask that you go back and take a gander at the last few blogs in March. The foucs was Manleness, what has happened to it, how to cultivate it. I'm going to stick with this theme over the next month, so stay tuned!
When Jason asked to me to be a guest blogger I was really excited. New to blogging myself, I was really taken back by the fact that someone would ask me to guest write for their blog. Then he told me what the topic was and I was a little nervous about it and not exactly sure how to approach the topic of being a man. There are so many directions this topic can go. Being a man’s man, a man of god, not being manly enough (you get the point). Jason and I spoke about this topic on the phone for a few minutes we decided that I would take the approach of standing up for something. I glad he was there to focus me in on something otherwise everyone would be reading my endless sometimes incoherent dribble of me actually searching to answer my own question of what it means to be a man, and to be honest I don’t know that I can ever nail down a solid answer.
Let me preface my story with a little bit of my take on manhood though. I don’t think that being a man requires all of the societal stereotypes of a man. For me personally I was a kid who grew up around Music Theater. I took dancing, acting, and singing classes till I was 18 and I could have cared less about sports. Because of this I was ostracized for part of my life, I wasn’t doing the typical things a boy “should” do. However now looking back that doesn’t make me any less of a man. Neither does the fact that until 30 I couldn’t grow a beard (actually it is still kind of patchy, but it’s getting there). I also love cooking; some may not think this is the manliest activity; however thanks to people like Guy Fieti and Bobby Flay I think that society has changed that perception slightly. Being a man is so much more than the activities that you choose to participate in; it’s an attitude and an instinct. Its standing up for what you believe. It’s putting your family before anything else, that need to provide.      
Alright enough of trying to make a complete definition of a man, I could keep going as I said and still never get it fully.
Well anyone that knows me and my family knows it has been quite an adventurous year for us, moving, new jobs, new daycares, and a five year old starting school. It has been really crazy and chaotic. Well it all started with standing up for something and what was right. At my previous position myself and the small staff that I had worked diligently for roughly 8 to 9 to complete an overwhelming project that had been presented to and in some ways asked for by myself. When completed the project in a short amount of time with success and quite a substantial cost saving to the entity. Was it perfect, no, but it was a great product that met all the requirements, laws, and most expectation.
As good job as we did of course you can’t please everyone and there was a person In particular that disagreed with a particular result we had and how it affected them. Well as any good person who is proud of work done I offered the opportunity for the person to present their side and for some open dialogue, however since this person wielded some power and authority within the organization they decided to take a different route and use that power to get the desired results. My job and livelihood were threatened and I was bullied (took me back to the days of the school yard bullies that I was scared to stand up against). I stood behind the job we had done and decided to stand up for myself as well. I decided that I would not be bullied and I very quickly found a new position somewhere else where my talents would be appreciated, much to the surprise of the Bully.
Not that I always do, but sometime being a man means standing up. The man doing the bullying probably thinks he is more of the man. He has power and money ect, ect, but does that really make him a man or more of a man than me? I don’t think so. I think at that point in my life it was one my most manly moments. It was my David and Goliath moment. David wasn’t the biggest or the best warrior but he did get the victory. Some people may say that I didn’t win or wasn’t a man because I chose to leave the situation. But it was a victory for me because I was able to stand up and support a job that we had done and leave with my head held high knowing that I did the legal, right, and moral thing to do.

 Life as We Know It (Will's Blog)

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Cup

Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will." (Matthew 26:39)

The "cup" Jesus is referring to is a reference specifically to divine judgment. It is the cup of God's wrath. All of God's holy wrath and hatred toward sin, iniquity, and transgression, is about to be poured out. Psalm 75 says " In the hand of the Lord is a cup full of foaming wine mixed with spices; he pours it out and all the wicked of the earth drink it down to it's very dregs."(I’m not to thirsty myself.)

He is in the Garden of Gethsemane praying with the disciples. "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me." This is the turning point for Jesus, because what is now unfolding is unfathomable. Father God is pouring the weight and the punishment of the sins of the world onto Jesus. God is starting to withdraw Himself and turn His eyes from Jesus, because He cannot look upon evil. (All of the above; sins, iniquity, and transgressions are evils) The mental and spiritual battle Jesus is now experiencing was intense, for lack of a better word. Luke 22:44 says, "And being in agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling to the ground." The spiritual pressure that bore down upon Jesus' soul was so overwhelming that the Bible says it was agony. It was so strenuous that it involved all of Jesus' spirit, soul, and body. Those of us who know the effects of spiritual warfare on the body and mind can't even comprehend what Jesus was feeling. Imagine how he felt in his spirit? He hasn't even gone to the cross yet.... Again, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me."

This was the only way, the only bridge between God and humanity."The law of Moses could not save us, because of our sinful nature. But God put into effect a different plan to save us. He sent His own Son in a human body like ours, except ours are sinful. God destroyed sin's control over us by giving His Son as a sacrifice for our sins. He did this so the requirement of the law would be fully accomplished..." Romans (8:3-4) Jesus was sinless, therefore meeting every requirement of the law. All have sinned and fallen short, except Jesus. He was and is the spotless Lamb of God, the ultimate, final sacrifice and judgment for the sins of the world. Past, present, and future.

Without going into a whole lot of detail, sacrifices were offered to God for the forgiveness of sins in the Old Testament. God is righteous, so when some one sins the penalty needs to be paid for, paid in blood. Honestly, I don't know why it has to be blood. Perhaps because it represents life and sin leads to and represents death? "For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life."(Leviticus 17:11) The Old Testament sacrifices pointed to Jesus, as being the ultimate sacrifice in the New Testament. What was offered to God had to be animals without spot or blemish for this reason. This explains why God was infuriated with the Israelites offering sacrifices from lame, blind, and spotted animals. Everything God does is perfect, holy, and in divine order. No one other than Jesus could have satisfied the penalty for our sins because He is divine and holy and contains no part of our sin stained nature. Sin separates us from God. It's the wall that every human being has between themselves and God, Jesus being the only way to remove it. Not ourselves, our conduct, anyone or anything else.

What I didn't mention here is the crucifixition itself. The Bible says He was beaten beyond recognition. Salvation is free, but it wasn't cheap. This is THE GOSPEL. The just and loving Creator of the universe looked upon hopelessly sinful people and sent his Son, God in the flesh, to bear His wrath against sin on the cross and to show His power over sin, in the resurrection so that all who trust in Him will be reconciled to God forever. We are helpless to change our nature and to do anything about eternity, which is why the world needs Jesus. To help us appreciate Christ's victory over sin and death, lets think about what the outcome would be without Him...Jesus would be dead, our faith would be worthless, and our message to the world a lie. Jesus would be a liar since He claimed that He would rise from the dead. There would be no forgiveness of sins, no fellowship with God, and no hope of heaven. Without the resurrection everyone's destiny would be hell. This however is the TRUTH...Our Savior LIVES, are sins are FORGIVEN, death has been DEFEATED, and we have the ASSURANCE of eternity in heaven.

"The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are headed for destruction. But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God." 1Corinthians 1:18

Monday, March 19, 2012

Men of Fire and Courage...The Epilogue

I've enjoyed posting and reading the blog the last few weeks. I've left many things wide open, and well, that's sort of the point. I spent a great deal of time researching the topic of passivity, and to my amazement even though I already knew it, I was and am a passive person myself. Nowhere near as bad as I used to be though. In saying that, how many of you thought about yourself or others you know who are passive? Don't raise your hands, I can't see them. I have started to climb out of the passivity hole, and I'm well on my way to becoming a better man. There are things we can actively do to break the cycle.

The topic the first week was "thumos." Thumos is deep inside each one of us. It's what drives a man to compete, to hunt, fight, and lead. I believe that is what's missing in today's man. We've been told to be lady like and polite, and to always say yes, and whatever we do, "Don't rock the boat." "If it ain't broke don't fix it." That sort of stuff. Even though we can be completely miserable in our circumstances we'd rather just be miserable, than waste the energy trying to make it better. Should we always be aggressive and be on the offensive? Should I just tell people like it is all the time? No. We still have to respect others. What I'm referring to are times when we need to act. When we know we should act. When we have to act!

Lack of thumos disgusts more than wives, it disgusts our culture as well. I realize that's a strong statement. We can however build up and stir up our thumos. Have you seen the "Weather Man" with Nicholas Cage? The main character is a perfect example of someone who lacks fortitude. He decides to take up archery, and in fact becomes quite good at it. The sense of accomplishment and gratification not only worked inside of him, but also affected his outside life too. If we feel weak on the inside, we will be weak in everything we do. I'm not suggesting you take up archery, but do something. I enjoy sports, working out, and running. I like to shoot guns too, but I seldom have the opportunity. These activities stir up the thumos inside of us. We become confident and bold. We were built to enjoy stuff like this, it's natural.  We were also built to be strong and courageous, not doormats. Competitors, hunters, and warriors. Find something to do that will build up your manliness. It will change your life.

A friend of mine, Milt McInturff, runs a martial arts academy in Front Royal. Here's what he say about his profession. "The martial arts are NOT about fighting. Bodhidharma was a Buddhist monk who lived during the 5th/6th century, he started it all. The monastery was under constant attack from raiders and the monks could not protect themselves. All they wanted was peace. Bodhidharma came to the conclusion that to be free of violence (walk away from a fight), you must learn everything you can about it. They strengthened their bodies, became warriors and found peace through non violence. Training a student gives them an understanding of violence, human nature, and ultimately themselves." The defining characteristic of a warrior is the willingness to draw close to the enemy.

The U.S. military defines cowardice as "misbehavior before the enemy." It includes running away in the face of an enemy and willfully failing to do all within one's power to fight or defend when it's one's duty to do so. Is this good stuff or what? Again, we aren't to start kicking butt and taking names. This is a message to the mature. Think of the areas in your life that you dread facing. What really bothers you? Engage! Cultivate your "field" like a garden herb. Take the first step and remain active. I'm staring to do this and it's paying dividends. Stand up for somebody the next time you see them being treated wrong. Tell somebody when they offended you. Take an active approach in your marriage. Force a date night! Fear and passivity are our enemies and they suck the life out of us. We are now the leaders, and this is what leaders do. No matter how uncomfortable certain situations can be we must engage and fight. Otherwise, the outcome is disastrous.

"Courage is that rare moment of unity between conscience, fear, and action, when something deep within us strikes the flint of love, of honor, of duty...It is an acute awareness of danger, the sensation of fear it produces, and the will to act in spite of it. I think it is the highest quality of life attainable to human beings...I think God meant us to be courageous so that we could know better how to live, how to love what, and as, He commands us to love. It is not enough to be honest and just and demand that we be treated honestly and justly by others. We must learn to love honesty and justice for themselves, not just for their effect on our personal circumstances, but for their effect on the world, on the whole human experience." -Senator John McCain

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Men of Fire and Courage III

Over the past few weeks I've been discussing "What it means to be a man." The topic arose because I realize that  real men nowadays a hard to come by. We've become very passive in most of our dealings, and it's time that we start accepting responsibility for our lives, families, and future.  I believe we have  a distorted image of what a real man is, and how he lives. I'm honored to introduce this week's guest blogger, Matthew Lohr! Matt in from the Winchester area but now lives in Bedford Pennslyvania. He's a gifted evangelist and is ordained through Agape Church, in Virginia. Here's his two cents ;)

I used to have much different thoughts about what a man is. I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, scarred knuckles and broken noses was normal to me. I joined an elite team in the United States Army and then combined discipline along with the notion that my Dad put in me, " Don't worry about how fast you can run, if you know how to fight you don't have to run. Years later and many lessons have taught me that being a man is about being a person who can be trusted and that loves his wife and children, more so with actions than words. God messed my life plan up with this evangelist thing, and I am thankful that He did! Being a man has everything to do with character and perserverance. It really does take a stronger man to walk away from a fight..( I used to say that the only men who said that were...well you get it.)

At times a man does have to fight, and that will never change. What I have come to understand is that God gave us a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. He commands us to be bold and very courageous, in following His orders. I have never been more of a man than I have learned to be as I follow Jesus, forgetting about myself and focusing on helping others. This is not something I learned in college, only He can show you and cause you to be bold as a lion and yet gentle as a dove. Too sum up my short blog about what I think being a man is, you only get one shot on planet earth to be a man, I have decided to learn from the manliest man I know, King Jesus. He is the Great I AM and with His Spirit in me and His anointing on me I will continue to lead by example. I am just a man on earth with a vision and a plan to get there. Real men truly do love Jesus.

Sgt/Reverend Matthew B. Lohr

Agape Outreach

Find Matthew Lohr on Facebook. You'll be glad you did!