Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Praying with Purpose

"If God had not spoken to me in such a powerful way, I may have given up, and the course of my life would have been altered completely. But I can say for certain that not once since then have I ever doubted His call." 

Tammy and I are currently reading Charles Stanley's new book called "The Ultimate Conversation." In the book he shares a testimony of answered prayer, which got us talking and thinking about answered prayer in our own lives. I'm not talking about dinky, mickey mouse prayers here..."Please help me, bless me, protect me, etc." I'm referring to prayers that change the course of your life, and those prayed with a passionate purpose, knowing that only God can answer them. I'm going to share the testimony from the book, and also one from my personal treasure chest. Be encouraged.

I recall a particularly difficult season during my senior year at the University of Richmond. Everything seemed to be going wrong, and I was completely miserable. It was exam week, and I had received a fifty on one test and a seventy-five on another. This was terrible, because I was a senior, and it seemed as I'd spent all this time in school just to fail. I was desperate to know God's plan and purpose for my life, but I felt as if He had completely walked out on me. At one point the pressure grew so great and my struggle so intense, I went to see my prayer partners. On my way I said, "Father, I've got to be absolutely sure of what Your will is for me. I've prayed, asked, pleaded, and fasted. I've done everything I know how to do. Please do something, my whole future is based on You. Please clarify this question in my mind and show me exactly what to do."

The Lord brought to mind something my grandfather had told me. He had gone through a similar time in his life when he was confused and seeking God's guidance about whether to preach. My grandfather didn't have an education and could barely read or write. He was feeling inadequate and doubtful about his future. Granddad said he got down on his knees and asked the Father to show him what to do. Then he got specific. He said, "Lord, if You are calling me to preach the gospel, let me see two falling stars." Sure enough, he looked up and saw two bright lights streaming across the sky. 

I thought, if Granddad asked God for something that specific and the Lord answered, then maybe He will do the same for me. After all, my grandfather never doubted that the Father had called him to preach. So I prayed, "God I know I don't have any business asking You this, but if this is Your will for my life, if this is really what You're calling me to do...please let me see two falling stars like my grandfather did." Well, a couple of evenings later, I looked up and saw two brilliant meteors shooting across the night sky at the same time. It was if the Lord said to me, "You asked Me, and I've answered your prayer." I fell on my face and thanked Him with all my heart. 
-Charles Stanley, The Ultimate Conversation (2012)

Now that is answered prayer! Several years ago I was in an awesome place with the Lord. I was set free, filled with the Holy Spirit, and burning with fire and love for Him. (My zeal outweighed my wisdom :) At the time I had no job, not even the prospect of one. I had no hope that I would ever find a job as good as I had. I knew I needed to get one soon, but I was afraid to start praying for it because I was really enjoying God moving in my life, and I thought there was a chance I could be let down. 

Long story short...I had been thinking about praying for a job for at least a month when I went to a church service and heard the pastor talk about prayer and to ask God for something big. That night I went home and was reading my Bible when all the sudden the Lord opened my eyes. (I was thinking about prayer the whole time I was reading) The scripture was in Genesis 24. Read that, if you want to learn how to pray! Abraham sent his servant to go find a wife for Isaac. The servant set out to do so, and during his travels he stopped at a well, then he prayed, “Lord, you are the God of my master Abraham. Give me success today. Be kind to my master Abraham. I’m standing beside this spring. The daughters of the people who live in the town are coming out here to get water. “I will speak to a young woman. I’ll say, ‘Please lower your jar so I can have a drink.’ Suppose she says, ‘Have a drink of water. And I’ll get some for your camels too.’ Then let her be the one you have chosen for your servant Isaac. That’s how I’ll know you have been kind to my master." 

Do you see what he did there? He got specific with the Lord. He told God, "I'll say to her, please lower your jar so I can have a drink..." Then God, if she is the one, let her say, "Have a drink of water, and I'll get some for your camels too." Sure enough, that's exactly what happened! I bet he about fell into the well after hearing that. The testimony was so powerful he told it to several people including the woman's family! God can blow our minds! So, I prayed, "Ok God. You're definitely speaking to me. Now is the time to pray and ask what I have been wanting to ask. Lord, I need a job. I'm praying for a job that is in my field, I pray that it has great benefits, working hours, not a lot of stress, and a place where I can minister to people. I pray that it would be well paying and that it would be exciting. On top of that Lord, let someone ask me about this job!"

The very next day I called up a good friend out of the blue. Not sure why, I just felt the urge to call him. We started talking,  telling each other what God was doing in our lives, and somehow that led to him asking me what I was doing for work. I told him I wasn't working but I was looking. He says, "Hey! Why don't you take my job. I'm moving in a month or so, would you be interested? I'll put in a good word for you, recommend you, etc." Sure, that sounds good. I didn't realize what was happening until I hung the phone up. My friend had told me exactly everything that I had prayed for, verbatim. Who just asks you if you need the best job you have ever had? That is God! The friend did everything he promised, wrote a letter of recommendation, got me an interview and helped me with the whole process. I didn't get the job right away, even though I knew I had it! I got a call saying they had offered it to someone else. A week after that, I was in a prayer/fasting meeting with some men from my church. About 2 hours into it, my cell phone rang..."Can you still take the job?" 

God answers prayers! If we aren't specific in our prayers then how does He get the glory? How can we know for sure that we are doing the right thing? How do we know it's Him? We get specific!

"He who comes to God must believe that He is,
 and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
-Hebrews 11:6


  1. I am sure that the person was feeling God the entire time in the way that everything just played itself out there too. Specifics is key and important in not just answering prayers but the specifics are things that can not be taken for coincidence but reveal themselves as truly only the work of God.

  2. Thank you for these words of testimony.
