Sunday, February 12, 2012

Maturing Through Hardships

Tammy and I just finished reading the Bait of Satan, by John Bevere. This is a book we will keep in our treasure chest. The timing of it was perfect and ordained by the Lord. I'd like to share a passage out it today...

"We grow in the tough times, not the easy times. Hard places will always come in journey with the Lord. We cannot escape them but need to face them, for they are part of the process of becoming perfect in Him. If you choose to run from them, you will seriously hinder your growth. As we overcome different obstacles, you will become stronger and more compassionate. Jesus learned obedience through suffering, as did Peter and Paul. If you are rowing on a river against the current, you will have to continuously row in order to progress against the flow of the river. If you stop rowing and relax, you will eventually flow with the current. Remember, that when we lose our life for the sake of Jesus, we will find His life. Learn to fix your focus on the end result, not the struggle."

The word here could speak many different things to you, but I'd like to highlight two key statements. "Hard places will always come in our journey, and learning obedience through suffering." Last week I mentioned there being no "one-time fix all” deliverance. We will always experience trials and struggles as long as we walk this earth. Of the knowledge of Himself that He chooses to reveal to us, you can be sure you will get an opportunity to apply it. We grow by learning how not to handle certain things, and we are stregthened when we overcome an obstacle by applying His guidance. Take a look at this scripture...For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap. He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver." (Malachi 3)  This is a prophecy about Jesus, and this is exactly what His Spirit does inside of us. When silver or gold are refined, they are heated. The heat makes the metal soft and pliable, and the impurities are surfaced so they can be removed.

Tough times, trials, and tribulations will come. They usually come in the form of other people, and from the spiritual battle that takes place personally as we grow closer to the Lord. Peter said, "Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice..." The most important thing I have learned over the last month or so, is to look at myself first when I'm encountering friction. Could the problem be with me? Could I be wrong? Am I being selfish? Oftentimes, I tend to blame others and pray for circumstances or people to change, when I'm the one that needs to change, hello. Trials are for our benefit. This is why Peter was able to say, “Rejoice." If we can begin to look at trying situations through the lens of God's Spirit, working inside of us for our good, our entire perspective will change and the blessings of God will flow into our lives.

I tend to learn things by experience, and I believe this is the path the Lord has chosen for us unfortunately. The reason? Pride and ego. I may not always be right, but I'm never wrong. Unknowingly, we believe that and unknowingly pride builds up inside of us, and pride opens the door for a sifting! Realizing this truth is hard in itself, but once we accept it the process of restoration begins. This is learning obedience through suffering. I believe the length of our suffering depends on our willingness to humble ourselves and when we choose to do so. His eye is always guiding us and He always has our best interest in mind. It's tough to see it at the time, and hopefully next time I go through a trying situation I will know what to do. Look up, look inside, listen, and wait. I realize there are trials and tough times outside of our control, but God is always in control.

Listen, nobody is perfect. There was only one perfect man who walked this earth, and He is the Lord of Heaven and Earth. God says, "My grace is sufficient for you." If we will walk humbly, endure the refining process, and accept His grace, we can become the spiritual house He intends to build. On the other hand, if we run from tough times and refuse to humble ourselves, we will remain in spiritual diapers and our love for Him will grow cold. When we were saved we didn't convince God to join our cause and fight for us the way we think He should. Instead, we joined His cause and surrendered to His awesome plan and purpose. There is no greater satisfaction or higher calling than worshipping and serving the Awesome God of this universe! How can we not stand in awe of Him as we look at creation? If I was turned away from Heaven's gates today, I would still apply the principles and guidance found in His Word. All other paths lead to frustration, destruction, aimless wondering, and depression. I learned from experience. "All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth to such as keep his covenant and his testimonies." Psalm 25:10

“The site of storm clouds in your life is an indication of His love for you, His desire to see you steered back in the direction of His will. Because, let's face it, His will is always our best place to be – not free of challenge, necessarily, but free of those discouraging nights and weekends when we feel like we've wasted our lives on nothing. Being true to His purpose sets us up for a life of lasting meaning.”

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