Ok, spiritual rhythm... As I have rethought my spiritual life from the perspective of the seasons, I have given up a myth I long cherished: the quest for balance. I wanted to find the point of perfect equipoise between work, play, family, and rest. But, as I started to see my life and faith seasonally, I saw how little the idea made sense. No season has perfect balance. It’s either too hot, or to cold, to wet or to dry, to muddy or to parched. Seasons don't call for balance...They call for RHYTHM. If my heart is in winter, it’s hardly the season to try and sow seed. Winter is good for pruning, but not for grafting. It’s good for transplanting, but not for fertilizing. Likewise spring is not the season for idleness, there is a brief window of time to ready the ground to collaborate with earth's deep stirrings. Each season requires a pace and a motion for moving through it that best matches the season’s demands. The rhythm of winter is waiting, the rhythm of spring preparing, and summer enjoying, and in fall, gathering. As we move in rhythm with each season we find Christ in the middle of it all. (Credit: Mark Buchanan)
Spiritual seasons. That's my point. The season we are in now is the time to draw close. We are about to celebrate Christmas, and enter a new year. 2012, wow. Many churches will be doing a 21 day fast to start out the New Year. Tammy and I participated last year, and it turned out to be very rewarding. I personally believe 2012 is going to be a year of great change, perhaps one that will change the course of history and life as we know it. There are many things happening and that have happened behind the scenes, and all is in place for "it" to unfold. I'm not into conspiracies, one just needs to take a glance around the world stage to understand what I'm referring to. I'm not preaching doomsday, I'm issuing a warning. We need to allow God to speak into our lives and this is only done by drawing near. We must be strengthened, renewed, and walk out His will as best we can. Wake up, for it is high time. Think about the events of the last year, or two. Can you see how God has been trying to get your attention?
Let me share a few scriptures to get us started. Keep these in your mind over the next few weeks. Perhaps write them down and meditate on them. "Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you." (James 4:8) We have heard that many times, but let it really sink in. How do we get closer to God? We draw near, and what? He, God, draws near to us. "Seek and you shall find." "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." All we need to do is consciously, humbly, and honestly, seek Him. Put aside everything you think you know, open your heart, and allow Him to fill it. The greatest hindrance to spiritual growth is a hardened heart, one that cannot receive any new knowledge of God. There are so many people who pride themselves on a knowledge of God they simply do not possess. These tend to be those who are actually living secret lives, and have no peace. Hence, if they have the knowledge they claim to possess their life would speak for itself. You can judge a tree by it's fruit. Growing in the knowledge of God isn't for spiritual pride and ego. It's for living a life of worship and fellowship with God!
The second scripture, (first one is James) I want to share is John 4:23, "Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." Again, honesty, humility, and a sincere effort to worship Him is all it takes. Let me be clear on what worship is. Worship is a lifestyle of obedience, praise, and serving the Lord in all we do. Look at the end of that verse. "They are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks." Other translations elaborate a bit more, but try and wrap your mind around the fact that Holy God, Creator, is seeking you out. Last verse. John 14:21, "Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.” Do I need to elaborate? That's one of my favorite scriptures and its jam packed full of power.
"This book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day, and night, that you may observe to do all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success." (Joshua 1:8) Ok, this is God telling us to meditate on His Word; therefore it must be pretty important to do so. Why? When we meditate on His Word we grow in knowledge, thus learning to walk in His ways, we learn to think as He thinks, and it also keeps our hearts close to His. The first step in drawing closer is to confess of any known sins, empty your heart, and ask Him to speak to you through His Word. He knows we are ignorant, so don't put on a front like you know what to ask and pray. "Lord, I don't know your Word that well, I want to draw closer, and I'm asking you to help me do so." Then begin meditating, thinking about a passage or two throughout the day. There is an application and experience that goes with each scripture and it always changes.:) This is called revelation. In keeping with the challenge, let’s make it simple and meditate on the scriptures in the blog. If you'd like to add more that's fine too.
Finally, it’s Christmas, well almost. Pull out your Bible, and each time you do, read the story of the birth of Jesus. Luke 2 is a good one. Let us meditate on the birth of our Lord this Christmas. We can't get closer to the Father without getting closer to the Son. Merry Christmas to you all!
"My heart has heard you say, "Come and talk with me." And my heart responds, "Lord I am coming." Psalm 27:8 (NLT)
Good stuff Jason..thank you..i am up for the challenge :)
ReplyDeleteThanks. Lets do it! I'm interested in hearing some testimonies when we are finished. Start Jan1, through the 21st.