I hope everyone had a great Christmas, it's hard to believe that it's over already. This was the first with my wife and children, really the first Christmas I've shared and enjoyed in a family setting in many years. I felt the warmth of the season, and also a bit of the hustle and bustle as well. We stayed mildly busy leading up to Christmas, as we got most of our shopping done ahead of time, it was Christmas Day that put the hurting on us. Family dinners, kids going nuts, toys to put together, and all the boxes, wrapping paper, and plastic to be picked up and taken out. This Christmas was different for me also because I really focused on the reason for the season, really for the first time in my life. The birth of our Savior split time in two, BC and AD, which is a matter of fact, and no other event has had any greater impact on all humanity than His birth, life, and death. "For God so loved the world..."
Last week I issued the challenge to Draw Near to God over the next month, purposely and with great intention. "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." There are several reasons for this challenge. (I'm taking it too.) This blog is not meant to be preachy, as it edifies me also. I'm simply sharing my journey and helping to cultivate your heart as well. God desires intimacy with us and secrets are only revealed to those who are intimate. So, to grow in our knowledge of God we must get close to His heart. Finally, we are going into a New Year, and I truly believe the Lord is trying to draw His children very close for a reason.
Here it is...The greatest thing we will do during the challenge is Fast. Some of you may have participated in a church wide fast last year, and if you did I'm sure you were blessed. I'm going to briefly discuss the reasons and benefits of fasting, just to get the idea in your heart over the next week. First, fasting is not a way to get what you want. We cannot manipulate God in anyway shape or form. (I have been guilty of attempting this) Fasting does not get you favored anymore than somebody else either. It simply cleanses our hearts and gets us in line with His desires and will. Fasting takes our minds off of the things around us and helps us focus on God as our provider. I'm not saying miracles can't happen, in fact I have seen some powerful things happen when I have fasted, I'm saying the real reason is to draw near. The case may be God truly does want to do something awesome in your life, but first you must understand His heart on the matter.
Fasting is also a spiritual discipline, one that is biblical. Those in the Old Testament fasted, I'm sure you have heard Isaiah 58, and there are many others. Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 6:16, "When you fast..." Fasting was something that was expected of them, and really something they all did and knew about. Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert. He had to get close to the heart of His Father. Jesus said He only spoke what He heard, meaning He was so in tune He could hear, sense, and understand what the Father wanted Him to do. It was not until after fasting that His public ministry started. The healings, miracles, deliverances, and teachings. Fasting can also break strongholds in your life; it can root out sin, and break habits.
This is for those who are hungry and thirsty for God. Psalm 42 says," As the deer pants for the water brooks so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God." I heard a man say, "You can have as much of God as you want to." You absolutely can, it's up to us how much we pursue and cultivate our relationship. There are many different types of fasts, my wife and I will be doing the Daniel Fast, which is fruits and vegetables. Remember, I said there is no formula to follow here, I'm only guiding. The important thing is to cut out something that means something to you, and fill the void with God; praying, reading, worshiping, however you feel led. If you give up something that doesn't mean anything to you, chances are very good it doesn't mean anything to God.
In closing allow me to share a few scriptures. The first two are pretty brutal. I came across them last week, and it made me think deeply about how close my relationship is to the Lord, and how much of a priority I place on it. "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 7:21) "Later, when the other five bridesmaids returned, they stood outside, calling, 'Sir, open the door for us!' But he called back, 'I don't know you!" (Matthew 25:11-12) Jesus is telling his people there, He doesn't know them. They weren't ready for Him. Think about it this way. Who would you invite to Thanksgiving? Would it be every person you know, or just close friends and family? And how is it people become your friend? What separates a friend from another person? Intimacy.
My prayer is for our hearts to be behind our lips, and our hearts to be in sync with God. It easy to get in the ruts where we read the Word from a distance and just go through the motions of prayer and worship. Isn't that boring? How do you think God feels about that? If our hearts aren't in it, we aren't fooling Him. We can experience God's presence fresh and new everyday and that's when pursuing God is exciting, and that's the way it's supposed to be! Fasting will help us get our hearts back in order, I promise you that. We are looking to start the fast on Jan 1st, and go through the 21st. If you can't do 21 days, pick whatever you would like to do, but please continue to focus on Him throughout the 21 days. God Bless!
"Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong." (Eccl 5:1) *Humble Ourselves*
"The Lord is close to all who call on Him, yes, to all who call on Him sincerely. He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cries and rescues them. The Lord protects all those who love Him. (Psalm 145:18-20)
"I will bring him near and he will come close to me, for who is he who will devote himself to be close to me?" (Jer. 30:21)
My prayer is for our hearts to be behind our lips, and our hearts to be in sync with God. It easy to get in the ruts where we read the Word from a distance and just go through the motions of prayer and worship. Isn't that boring? How do you think God feels about that? If our hearts aren't in it, we aren't fooling Him. We can experience God's presence fresh and new everyday and that's when pursuing God is exciting, and that's the way it's supposed to be! Fasting will help us get our hearts back in order, I promise you that. We are looking to start the fast on Jan 1st, and go through the 21st. If you can't do 21 days, pick whatever you would like to do, but please continue to focus on Him throughout the 21 days. God Bless!
"Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong." (Eccl 5:1) *Humble Ourselves*
"The Lord is close to all who call on Him, yes, to all who call on Him sincerely. He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cries and rescues them. The Lord protects all those who love Him. (Psalm 145:18-20)
"I will bring him near and he will come close to me, for who is he who will devote himself to be close to me?" (Jer. 30:21)