Ian Smith has said, " Luck is great, but most of life is hard work.
Lesson learned:
Life is hard, REALLY. In fact, it's hard almost every single day. Aside from working everyday and caring for our families we need to stay healthy, build our skillset, and grow in our relationship with the Lord. Naturally, it takes time and hard work to cultivate anything worth while whether it's a relationship, ministry, or a profession. Meanwhile, there are problems and opportunities bundled in packages simply waiting for us to discover on a daily basis. REALLY. We should learn to expect problems and friction and not be shocked when they arise. I share this because I personally have believed the lie, I know some of you have as well, that there will come a time when things get much easier. We think, "If I can trust the Lord through this season, the future will be much easier to navigate." Following the Lord doesn't mean life gets easier, it means we can overcome in every situation and circumstance.
Allow me to share a snippet from John Maxwell:
"Everyone's reality is different. However, there are some realities that are true for all of life:
Life is difficult. Life is difficult for everyone. Life is more difficult for some than others. Somehow people believe that life is supposed to be easy. This is particularly a problem here in America. We expect a smooth easy road to success. We expect our lives to be hassle free. That is not reality! Even if we are willing to concede that life is difficult for most people, deep down inside many of us secretly hope somehow this truth won't apply to us. I'm sorry to say it isn't so. No one escapes life's problems, failures, and loses. If we are to make progress we must do so through life's difficulties. If we don't understand and accept this truth that life is difficult, we set ourselves up for failure."
It's hard to swallow, but it's true. How many folks believe life is only hard for them? Don't raise your hand. My life has been a twisted mess of hurt, letdowns, and hardships but I've also experienced some great things and have made lasting memories. As I've matured, I've noticed a pattern. Life is full of ups and downs (REALLY) and most of the time everyday is a struggle. The application here is to accept the fact that that life is difficult. BUT, when the good times come, celebrate them. Learn to recognize the waves of peace, pause and enjoy them. Not long after your going to be grinding it out until you get over the next hump. "There's a time and a season for every activity under the heavens. A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance..." #Truth
The other lesson I learned is that it's ok to be me. I like and enjoy certain things because it's a part of me, it's how I'm wired. What a tragedy it is to copy the lifestyle, talents, and personality of others. If we aren't careful we won't fulfill our dream because we're to focused on imitating the dreams of others. The comparison game is never ending and exhausting. This came to a head for me while I was at an event earlier this year. I believe I compared myself to every single person I saw, for hours. Worse yet, I think I wanted to be like every single person, weird huh?
My grandfather taught me there's always someone better no matter how good you are. Let them do them and you do you. Or, "You, get you you and I'ma get, me me", as a friend of mine says. Except who you are, don't be ashamed of it. Grow in the areas you need to grown in but never compromise your personality, desires, and talents. If you've been living someone else's dream, ask God for a dream of your own and He will give it to you.
"Whatever you think, be sure it is what you think; whatever you want; be sure it is what you want". -TS Elliot
Life takes hard work, patience, and determination (REALLY) to make it through. I believe it was Augustine who said, "The more I have to do today, the more time I spend with God." Likewise, Dr. Hang Yang's sermon this year was a powerful reminder as to how it's done, by fixing our eyes on Jesus. "Fix" literally means to direct one's eyes, attention, or mind steadily or unwaveringly toward. When we fall we dust ourselves off and get back up. We fight our battles on our knees. Keep moving forward, laugh at yourself, and know this, "It takes a long long time for God to work in someone's life before it amounts to anything."(Rick Warren)
My power verse for next year is Colossians 2:7:
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."