Wednesday, September 11, 2013

It's Ok To Be Different

How is that we're the only ones that "get" there's a God and the world should be worshipping Him? Why are we jeered at, mocked, and socially unaccepted? Can we straddle the line between church and culture? Can we live differently and be accepted? These are tough questions to answer and more than likely every Christian has pondered these. No doubt, it's challenging to live out our faith in a world with polar opposite morals and views. But it's nothing new, the church has always met resistance, it was birthed in a fallen world. Most will think this to be obvious, which it is, I'm only offering encouragement to stay the course.

First of all, it's ok to be different, in fact we must be different if we're to be the church, grow the church, and bring forth the will of God. Jesus told the disciples, " I'm sending you out like sheep among wolves." Well that isn't very comforting is it? In fact, it sounds intimidating. The point however, is that we are most definitely different than those around us and we will definitely meet resistance. Indeed it costs us something socially to walk with the Lord , but the peace and favor of God far outweigh the sacrifice. Jesus also said, "You didn't choose me, but I chose You." Tap tap. is this thing on? Did you hear that? We should cling to that revelation because it's so easy to forget.

Can we forfeit fearing the perception of what others think about us and choose a different path? We dress, act, and live differently than those around us because we have the Holy Spirit living inside us and we're called to live differently. It's why we read our Bibles,  fast while others indulge, seek Him early and late, and guard what we watch and hear. It's why we choose not to curse and use filthy language either publicly or in our homes; our hearts and minds are guarded in Christ. Let your righteousness go before and have the glory of the Lord as your rear guard. We shouldn't be embarrassed or uncomfortable by the way we live, we should be empowered by it.

So, is it wise to live the way the world lives?    

The other half of the scripture in Matthew 10, says, we are to be "wise as serpents and harmless as doves."The word "wise" means prudent, careful, cunning, discerning, thoughtful, intelligent, or sensible. If you would like to be described as that kind of person, raise your hand.  We aren't going to become wise by hanging with fools nor following the customs of this world. We aren't judging others by the way the way they live, we simply choose to live differently that's all.  The word "fool" means one who is deficient in judgement, sense, or understanding. A mentally deficient person and an idiot. Nice huh? Moving right along. To be foolish is to be ignorant of the truth and/or know the truth but simply reject it. "The wise man does at once what the fool does finally."

As I'm writing this, I'm aware that both Christian and Christian may one day stumble across this post. Perhaps even my own children and other family members. To you I write; I have a secular job, I have secular friends, and I have secular family members. I know what it's like to be around folks who curse all the time, drink all the time, and waste all their time. I see the selfish ambition and greed of others on a daily basis and I know what it's like to live opposite of those things. It's hard to tell your friends and family that you can't do things with them. It's hard to walk away from co-workers conversing. I share this because I'm not an insider peering out. I know how hard it is to say no and choose the right path. 

We will fail many times as we try to straddle the line between church and culture. Not just because we throw our hands up and walk away from God, but because transformation and sanctification is a process and most folks learn things the hard way. Our focus needs to shift from temporary satisfaction to lasting peace. Romans 8:6 says, "So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace." We must practice the things that feed the Spirit. Solomon said, "Wisdom is like an inheritance and benefits those who see the sun and preserves the life of it's possessor. She is a tree of life to those who find her and all her paths are peace." He put the kibosh on Ecclesiastes by saying, "Fear God and keep His commandments.", penned after a lifetime of observing how life is lived and how the world operates. It's ok to be different, wisdom doesn't follow the crowd. 

"The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.
-2 Corinthians 2:4 

"Only fools say in their hearts, "There is no God."
- Psalm 14:1

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